Top 10 Laravel Packages for Building eCommerce Applications

Top 10 Laravel Packages for Building eCommerce Applications

If you’re looking to build an eCommerce application using Laravel, then you’re in luck. Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that provides a robust set of tools and features for developing scalable and maintainable web applications. With the help of various packages, Laravel makes it easy to build high-quality eCommerce applications quickly and efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the top 10 Laravel packages for building eCommerce applications.

1: Laravel Cashier

Laravel Cashier is a popular Laravel package that provides a simple interface for managing subscription billing services. It handles subscription billing, payment processing, and more. With Laravel Cashier, you can easily add subscription billing to your eCommerce application without having to worry about the details of payment processing.

2: Laravel Shopping Cart

Laravel Shopping Cart is a package that provides a simple and intuitive shopping cart system for Laravel applications. It makes it easy to add products to a cart, update quantities, and checkout securely. With Laravel Shopping Cart, you can quickly add a fully functional shopping cart system to your eCommerce application.

3: Laravel Voyager

Laravel Voyager is an admin package that provides a complete admin interface for Laravel applications. It includes features like a media manager, menu builder, and more. With Laravel Voyager, you can easily manage your eCommerce application’s content and configuration from a single dashboard.

4: Laravel Scout

Laravel Scout is a full-text search package that makes it easy to add search functionality to your Laravel application. It provides a simple and powerful interface for searching your application’s database using Algolia, Elasticsearch, or other search engines.

5: Laravel Socialite

Laravel Socialite is a package that provides a simple interface for authenticating with OAuth providers like Facebook, Twitter, and Google. With Laravel Socialite, you can easily add social login functionality to your eCommerce application.

6: Laravel Image

Laravel Image is a package that provides a simple and elegant way to manage and manipulate images in your Laravel application. It includes features like image resizing, cropping, and optimization.

7: Laravel Mix

Laravel Mix is a package that provides a simple and elegant way to manage and compile your application’s assets, including CSS, JavaScript, and images. With Laravel Mix, you can easily optimize and compile your application’s assets for production.

8: Laravel Debugbar

Laravel Debugbar is a package that provides a powerful debugging and profiling tool for Laravel applications. It includes features like request profiling, database query logging, and more. With Laravel Debugbar, you can quickly diagnose and fix issues in your eCommerce application.

9: Laravel Horizon

Laravel Horizon is a package that provides a powerful queue dashboard and management tool for Laravel applications. It includes features like real-time monitoring, job management, and more. With Laravel Horizon, you can easily manage your eCommerce application’s background tasks and job queues.

10: Laravel Nova

Laravel Nova is a powerful admin panel package for Laravel applications. It provides a customizable dashboard with a variety of widgets, as well as advanced features like resource management and filtering. With Laravel Nova, you can easily manage your eCommerce application’s data and resources from a single, intuitive interface.


Laravel’s top 10 packages can help you build a scalable and maintainable eCommerce application. But, if you’re new to Laravel, mastering the fundamentals of the framework is crucial. Check out our previous post on the “Top 10 Resources to Master Laravel Development – A Comprehensive Guide” for a comprehensive overview of the best resources to learn Laravel development.

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